четверг, 9 января 2014 г.

Front Line Defenders Security Grants can pay for organisational and personal provisions to improve the security and protection of a Human Rights Defenders and their organisation.

Contact Front Line Defenders

To contact us by email write to info@frontlinedefenders.org.

Human rights defenders who feel they need urgent assistance can send Front Line a message through a secure and encrypted channel: secure contact form.

How to get to Dublin Office: Click for a Larger ImageHow to get to Dublin Office: Click for a Larger Image
Front Line - The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders 
Head Office 
Second Floor 
Grattan House 
Temple Road 
Co. Dublin 
Tel: +353 (0)1 212 3750 (See also Emergency Hotline Number below) 
Fax: +353 (0)1 212 1001 
E-mail: info@frontlinedefenders.org

See how to get to Brussels officeSee how to get to 
Brussels office

Front Line Defenders' EU office coordinates the organisation's advocacy activities with EU institutions and individual EU governments. All general enquiries should be referred to Front Line's Head Office in Dublin.
Front Line Defenders EU office 
Square Marie-Louise 72 
B-1000 Brussels 
Tel: +32 2 230 93 83 (See also Emergency Hotline number below) 
Fax: +32 2 230 00 28 
Email: euoffice@frontlinedefenders.org.
- See more at: http://www.frontlinedefenders.org/contactus#sthash.lxE6JLZz.dpuf
 In 2001, Front Line Defenders launched its highly successful Security Grants programme to provide timely and efficient financial assistance to human rights defenders at risk. Since that time, Front Line Defenders has disbursed €3,588,251 in the form of 1,422 security grants for the practical security assistance of HRDs at risk in 107 countries. 

Front Line Defenders Security Grants can pay for organisational and personal provisions to improve the security and protection of a Human Rights Defenders and their organisation. Grants can pay to improve physical security of an organisation, digital security, communication security, legal fees for HRDs who are being judicially harassed. They can pay for medical fees for HRDs who have been attacked or who have suffered a medical condition as a result of their peaceful human rights activities. We can also provide family assistance for imprisoned HRDs. Grants are for amounts up to a maximum of €6,000. We fund emergency and general security grants. 

Example - Security Grant - Elisabeth Lukalu - DRC: In May 2011, Front Line Defenders awarded a grant to WHRD Elisabeth LUKALU for her and her 8 children to relocate temporarily to Burundi and for the Elisabeth to receive specialist medical care there. Elisabeth is a member of the human rights organisation AMCAV based Kagando, near Uvira in Eastern DRC. She is a widow and has 8 children. On 14 April 2011, two men armed with machetes broke into her home and attacked the WHRD. Elisabeth sustained serious injuries, the men cut three fingers from her right hand and two fingers from her left hand. Elisabeth and her children went into hiding in the bush until they were assisted by a friend who carried her to the nearest medical clinic. It is believed that Elisabeth was targeted as a result of her peaceful human rights work. 

'Security grants in an emergency situation: an application will be considered on an emergency basis where the applicant can show that the provision of the grant will contribute to addressing immediate threats to the lives or well-being of one or more human rights defenders. If the application falls within Front Line Defenders criteria for the provision of emergency funding for human rights defenders at imminent risk then small grants can be approved within 48 hours at the discretion of the Director. Please get in touch with our office directly. 

Our 24-hour emergency phone no. for human rights defenders is +353 12100489 etc Click here to contact Front Line emergency line - See more at: http://www.frontlinedefenders.org/security-grants-programme#sthash.kzU9wCPk.dpuf

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